Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Freedom Armored Up!

Following up from my previous post, we now have the MG Freedom Gundam Extra Finish version with its armor on.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Freedom's Frame

Ok, the Destiny doesn't fit in my light box. So I'm trying to figure out how to take pictures of it properly. So for now, let's move to the other MG that I was working on: the MG Freedom.
Again, as you can see by the shoulders, this is one of the special editions - the Extra Finish Ver (or Metallic Version, if you want to call it that).
I can't seem to resist these special edition version of these kits.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Japan Trip is a No-Go :(

Well, that was a short-lived high. As I mentioned here, I thought we were finally going to Japan after waiting for 3 long years.

Unfortunately, it's not meant to be as the travel agency has informed me that there is not enough people to form the group for the tour, so we had to cancel the booking.
Oh well... I'm sure we'll be able to go one of these days...

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weapons of Destiny

After putting on the armor on the Destiny, I thought I'd showcase its weapons before I do the final assembly.

The MG Destiny comes with its trademark weapons: the beam rifle, foldable (or should I say sliding?) shield, the anti-ship sword, the beam launcher, and 2 combo beam boomerangs/sabers. If you add in the mini-cannons on its palms, the Destiny Gundam is one of the more heavily-armed Gundams in the Cosmic Era (Seed) universe.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Destiny Armored Up!

Following up from my last post on the MG Destiny, I now have the clear armor on the MG Destiny. Let's see if all that work I did on that inner frame paid off...

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Destiny's Frame

Finally have some updates on one of the Gunplas that I've been working on.

Here is the inner frame of the Destiny Gundam after I've finished painting and detailing it. I did more detailing that I expected, but if you notice the shoulders, you'll see that this is the clear version of the MG Destiny Gundam that I got during Gundam Fiesta here in Singapore. So hopefully, all this work didn't go to waste :)

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