Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Freedom's Frame

Ok, the Destiny doesn't fit in my light box. So I'm trying to figure out how to take pictures of it properly. So for now, let's move to the other MG that I was working on: the MG Freedom.
Again, as you can see by the shoulders, this is one of the special editions - the Extra Finish Ver (or Metallic Version, if you want to call it that).
I can't seem to resist these special edition version of these kits.

I'm sorry. It's the same poses as the Destiny's frame. I'm not as imaginative when it comes to taking pics of the frames as I would like.

This frame is simpler as compared to the Destiny's. I feel that it's on the thin side and there's not as much details to it, especially on the lower torso, which is pretty much flat. Not that you need it, really, once you put on the armor, which you should since it's metallic and shiny.

Nothing really special to this frame, especially when compared to other MG's out there. Since I'll be covering everything up with armor anyway, I didn't bother to paint the details as much as I did with Destiny.
You'll have to be a bit careful with the shoulder joint since the front part doesn't attach to anything without the armor on, so it might break if you move it around forcefully.

The hands look like mittens, for some reason. I guess it's because of the fingers being too close to each other.

Fully articulate legs, as expected. It's really needed since you expect it to make all those cool poses from the anime.
I did paint the pipes above the ankles and on the knees. The latter will slide up once you bend the knees, so I felt it was a good idea at the time. I'll know later once I put on the armor if it wasn't a wasted effort.